History Denied

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” Marcus Garvey

I was an adult before I knew my great-grandfather, Henry D. Smith, my paternal grandmother’s father, had served one term in the Virginia General Assembly. No one actually told me. By chance, after my dad’s death, I came across a booklet at my aunt’s home called Negro Office Holders in Virginia, 1865-1895 by Luther Porter Jackson. When I asked my aunt why she had it, she simply said that her mother’s father was in the book.

“What?” I asked in bewilderment. “Why has no one ever told me about this?”

“There was nothing to say,” she responded to my astonishment and said nothing else about it even though I probed.

From the book’s summary of his life, I learned he had been born into slavery in 1834. Through hard work as a farmer and distiller, according to the very brief paragraph on him, he amassed sufficient wealth to, at one time, own over 900 acres of land, including the Merry Oaks Estate, once possessed by the family that owned him as a slave. In 1879, he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. End of story. But that couldn’t be the end. How did he accomplish this? Did he help others in the black community with his position and wealth? I tried to get my aunt to tell me more. Finally, she did but only a tidbit. “Your grandmother [Mary ‘Mamie’ Smith Lucas] was one of his last children, born to his third and final wife, Ella Wyatt Smith, just a few years before his death in 1901.”

“That’s it?” I persisted.

“Yes,” snapped my aunt, clearly angry. “He lost his land, cheated by the white man like we always have been. That’s it.” And that was all she would ever say about this chapter of my family’s history.

I knew that the history of black people generally had been denied to us—all of us—black people and non-black people alike. When I was a student, it was only through supplemental education that I learned about Marcus Garvey, or Langston Hughes or Charles Drew. I imagine the white community learned even less. Nothing was taught about the history of countries in Africa, but everything about the history of England. Regardless of this larger frame of history denied, what I didn’t know was that my own family also denied me my personal history.

As I have reflected on that, I think they may have been ashamed my ancestor was able to rise from slavery—to accomplish what anyone would be proud of—but wasn’t able to hold on to what he had attained. His legacy tarnished by downfall at the hands of the white community. We were bamboozled, as filmmaker Spike Lee says. A century after his death my aunt was still angry, and I suspect sad, about the trajectory of his life.

Wealth comes in many forms and often the most valuable inherited treasure is not material. It’s knowing the history—the stories—of those who came before us. The sum and substance of the people and their stories that ultimately led to our own existence. We are poorer when it is denied us. I don’t have the fullness of my great-grandfather’s story. I, too, am sad that his story did not end with the glory he probably envisioned. Nonetheless, I choose to release the familial anger and celebrate him. The late 1800s, not a generation after the end of slavery, my great-grandfather was a landowner, a business owner, and a state legislator. My heart is full of love and pride.


12 Replies to “History Denied”

  1. Thankyou for sharing this piece of your family’s history. It reminds me of my father telling us his grandfather lost his land as well. His grandfathet died – grief. My father internalized the story upon hearing it from my grandmother it became his life dream to own farmland.

    1. Tamara Lucas Copeland – I am African-American, a child of the South, born, educated and still living there. This distinction provides a unique personal vantage point for issues of racial equity. I am also an only child, a circumstance that sometimes leads to friends being more like family. These factors contribute to my love for my forever friends, my perspective on the role race plays in America, and my authorship of both the Daughters of the Dream blog and now a book by the same name. or decades, I watched my mother research the genealogical history of her family, talking to relatives, reviewing microfiche on hundreds of library visits long before the internet existed, as she labored to produce two published works. Motivated by my mother’s determination to document her family and by my and my friends’ realization of the importance of our five-plus decades-long friendship, I took on the challenge of telling our story. Not a historian, but an avid observer of the overlay of history on the racial reality of America, Daughters of the Dream is the result. Currently, I am president of the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers (WRAG). Founded in 1992, WRAG is a nonprofit association with over 100 of the most well-respected foundations and corporate giving programs in the Greater Washington, D.C. region as its members. WRAG’s groundbreaking work, Putting Racism on the Table, has received widespread recognition for enabling the philanthropic community to understand so they might work for racial equity. I came to WRAG with extensive experience in nonprofit management and on children’s policy having led Voices for America’s Children, the National Health & Education Consortium, and the Infant Mortality Initiative of Southern Governors’ Association and Southern Legislative Conference and having been Congressman Bobby Scott’s (D-VA) Legislative Director.
      Tamara Lucas Copeland says:

      Maybe home ownership is so important to us because so many have experienced land being stolen/lost.

  2. Indeed, this is history that must be shared and taught, especially in our southern schools. As a white male growing up in a family with deep roots in Virginia, it has taken me a lifetime to reassess the history (family and larger society) that I absorbed growing up. I can’t disown my family’s history, but I have sure been able take my ancestors off a pedestal. Thank you for sharing the heroes in your family.

    1. Tamara Lucas Copeland – I am African-American, a child of the South, born, educated and still living there. This distinction provides a unique personal vantage point for issues of racial equity. I am also an only child, a circumstance that sometimes leads to friends being more like family. These factors contribute to my love for my forever friends, my perspective on the role race plays in America, and my authorship of both the Daughters of the Dream blog and now a book by the same name. or decades, I watched my mother research the genealogical history of her family, talking to relatives, reviewing microfiche on hundreds of library visits long before the internet existed, as she labored to produce two published works. Motivated by my mother’s determination to document her family and by my and my friends’ realization of the importance of our five-plus decades-long friendship, I took on the challenge of telling our story. Not a historian, but an avid observer of the overlay of history on the racial reality of America, Daughters of the Dream is the result. Currently, I am president of the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers (WRAG). Founded in 1992, WRAG is a nonprofit association with over 100 of the most well-respected foundations and corporate giving programs in the Greater Washington, D.C. region as its members. WRAG’s groundbreaking work, Putting Racism on the Table, has received widespread recognition for enabling the philanthropic community to understand so they might work for racial equity. I came to WRAG with extensive experience in nonprofit management and on children’s policy having led Voices for America’s Children, the National Health & Education Consortium, and the Infant Mortality Initiative of Southern Governors’ Association and Southern Legislative Conference and having been Congressman Bobby Scott’s (D-VA) Legislative Director.
      Tamara Lucas Copeland says:

      Thanks, Harrison for your comments and for being a part of the solution. Please feel free to pass this blog on to friends and family if you believe it will serve to open eyes, hearts and minds.

  3. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to keep moving forward with my search for my own history and connection with the larger humanity. I find it fascinating to uncover tidbits of information that connects me to historical facts. To know the history of my people is like a rediscovery of my own existence and life purpose.

  4. Rich piece of history! Perhaps a historical fiction novel to come from this? The same forces that made it so hard for him to amass the wealth he did, made it highly unlikely (if not impossible) that he retain that wealth over time. I love that he owned the estate where he had once been held as a slave.

    1. Tamara Lucas Copeland – I am African-American, a child of the South, born, educated and still living there. This distinction provides a unique personal vantage point for issues of racial equity. I am also an only child, a circumstance that sometimes leads to friends being more like family. These factors contribute to my love for my forever friends, my perspective on the role race plays in America, and my authorship of both the Daughters of the Dream blog and now a book by the same name. or decades, I watched my mother research the genealogical history of her family, talking to relatives, reviewing microfiche on hundreds of library visits long before the internet existed, as she labored to produce two published works. Motivated by my mother’s determination to document her family and by my and my friends’ realization of the importance of our five-plus decades-long friendship, I took on the challenge of telling our story. Not a historian, but an avid observer of the overlay of history on the racial reality of America, Daughters of the Dream is the result. Currently, I am president of the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers (WRAG). Founded in 1992, WRAG is a nonprofit association with over 100 of the most well-respected foundations and corporate giving programs in the Greater Washington, D.C. region as its members. WRAG’s groundbreaking work, Putting Racism on the Table, has received widespread recognition for enabling the philanthropic community to understand so they might work for racial equity. I came to WRAG with extensive experience in nonprofit management and on children’s policy having led Voices for America’s Children, the National Health & Education Consortium, and the Infant Mortality Initiative of Southern Governors’ Association and Southern Legislative Conference and having been Congressman Bobby Scott’s (D-VA) Legislative Director.
      Tamara Lucas Copeland says:

      Sharon, I wonder if we would have a different country if the fullness of the African-American contributions to this country was known?

  5. Though I enjoy all your posts, I think this one is my favorite. So poignant and so important.

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